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MARCH 2021

Special feature for Canmaking News by Karen McKenzie

On March 8th International Women’s Day was celebrated around the globe, a day when the world acknowledges and reflects on the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.  March is also Women’s History Month, a celebration marking the contributions of women throughout history and in contemporary society.

The suffragette movement started the emancipation of womankind that many say still has not fully been completed; the Me Too Movement of recent times and the more current marches globally of the need for women to be able to be safe from physical and mental subjugation and harm are slowly changing the role of women globally but the inequality of gender has not stopped a plethora of brave and successful women achieving greatness throughout our lifetime.

While the Metal Packaging Industry may appear to still be male dominated, there can be no doubt that times are changing as we see so many inspirational women taking charge in positions of power and responsibility across the industry.

With the importance of what we celebrate this month it is important to look inwards at the success of our fellow women in our industry who have worked hard, many with families to raise, to become leaders in their field. Karen McKenzie caught up with several ladies to dig a little deeper to gain insight into their journey as well as how it is to be a woman in a male dominated industry and to seek advice for other women seeking the same success. Iris Goedegebuur, Marketing Communications Manager at Cazander Brothers, is one of them…

Iris: “I think it is very important for women to support each other. Unlike men, women sometimes criticize each other on behaviour and appearance. Society thinks of women as being soft and gentle. Working in a male dominated business means you sometimes must step up your game, which results in other women thinking of you as arrogant. Well, no one ever said that about a man who is a strong negotiator…  so, to that end we should be supportive and proud of what other women are able to achieve.”

Iris goes on to advise: “Don’t be the YES woman, it is all too easy to say yes to every project as you strive to be a good employee. But if you never say no, you will just hurt both yourself and your company. It is important to stand up for the projects you really want to work on and do not waste time and energy working on projects you don’t believe in. You can bet many guys say no… and so should you.”

Click here to read the whole article on Canmaking News. 

Iris Goedegebuur
Iris Goedegebuur Iris Goedegebuur

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